SuperFriends Wiki

The Planet Venus[1]

Venus was the second-closest planet to the Sun and closest planet to Earth.

After the Moon, it was the brightest object seen from the sky at night on Earth. It was often called the Morning Star or the Evening Star.

The planet was named after Venus, the Roman goddess of love and beauty.


Earth 1956[]

The planet Venus had both land[2] and sea[3] at its' surface. It was much warmer and wetter than Earth, and there was much more vegetation.[4] It was a homeworld to a variety of life forms. The Pytho-Rexians for example, were a race of religious fanatics that lived in caves. One other species, the Fearians, made an alliance with the Legion of Doom so that they could make the atmosphere of Earth similar to the way Venus was, and then they could relocate there, colonizing the planet.

Not long after that, later in the same year in fact, the Brain Creatures invaded the sol system, and although life on Earth survived, Venus wasn't so lucky, as all life on the planet was wiped out.[5] Only some of Venus' plantlife and termites seemed to survive.[6]

Venus (1980)

Venus circa 1980.[7]

Surface of Venus

Surface of Venus circa 1972.[8]

Indigenous species[]



The surface of Venus circa 1980.[9]

Episode Appearances[]

Coming Soon!!


  1. This image was taken from A Visit to Venus
  2. A Visit to Venus showed the Venus spaceship landed on the surface.
  3. The Sea Raiders established that there was ocean life.
  4. As told in the Season 3 (1978) episode, Invasion of the Fearians
  5. As seen in the Superfriends season three episode Invasion of the Brain Creatures (November 18, 1978).
  6. As seen in the Superfriends season five episode Termites from Venus (October 25, 1980).
  7. As seen in the Superfriends season five episode Termites from Venus (1980).
  8. As seen in The Superman/Aquaman Hour of Adventure episode A Visit to Venus (1967).
  9. As seen in the episode Termites from Venus.

External Links[]
