SuperFriends Wiki
Luthors Hidden Lair
Hidden Lair (04x02 - Lex Luthor Strikes Back)

In 1979, Lex Luthor was doing time at the Metropolis State Prison. His trusty assistant Orville Gump, while disguised as Jimmy Olsen, managed a successful jail-break.

Once out, they go to his hidden lair beneath Metropolis.


  • It is not clear how long the lair had been in existence, but it does looked well used.
  • The lair was designed to resemble the one that Luthor had in the big screen release of Superman the year before in 1978.

Episode Appearance[]


Hidden Lair (04x02 - Lex Luthor Strikes Back) 2
Hidden Lair (04x02 - Lex Luthor Strikes Back) 3