The Legion of Doom[1] was an organized body of self-proposed supervillains. There was not a counterpart to the 'Legion of Doom' in the Earth-One universe.[2]
Although they never seem to get the upper hand on their nemeses, the SuperFriends, they nevertheless quest for evil and the destruction of all that is good.
In each episode that they appeared, the Legion of Doom would enact various plots against the Super Friends, only to be met with defeat by the end of the story. Often, however, they would escape capture through a last-minute escape plan.
Background Information[]
In the Earth-1A universe, after several years of struggle against superheroes, both individually and collectively, it soon became apparent to Lex Luthor that working together with his fellow villainous cohorts was the only way to enact their sinister plans on an unsuspecting populous. So he assembled twelve supervillains, forming the most powerful and sinister group the world has ever seen.[3]
Not long after their meeting, Sinestro remarked they needed a headquarters. Black Manta suggested the headquarters should be at the bottom of the ocean, while Captain Cold said it should be under the ice of the polar cap, and Grodd said the jungle was the only logical choice. Luthor responded with a compromise, where the headquarters would be located in the swamp hidden beneath its murky waters.[4] The resulting dome-shaped headquarters was called the Hall of Doom and was capable of all sorts of travel.
- Dream Machine: Allows the user to control the subject when they are dreaming. Luthor programmed the device to not work on the Legion of Doom.[5]
- Mutation Device: Turns everyone it hits into Bizarros and Cheetahs.[5]
- Cloaking Device: Can make an entire planet invisible.[6]
- Interspacial Time Conveyor: Opens a "door" into the past.[7] A variant of this device was incorporated into the Hall of Doom allowing it to travel through time.[8] It is unclear if this device was further modified to allow travel between dimensions or that was another device.[9]
- Radar Scrambler: makes the user virtually invisible to radar.[10]
- Androids: robotic duplicates of actual people.[11]
- Propulsion activator: allows the Hall of Doom to tunnel underground.[12]
Legion Members[]
Legion Members: Past and Present | |||
League of Evil (year unknown) ![]()
Legion Headquarters[]
The Legion of Doom's headquarters is the Hall of Doom, which lies in what can only be Slaughter Swamp.
The Hall of Doom was mobile, lowered below or raised above the swamp water's surface, and often flown through the air via rockets if needed, even remotely controlled. It was even capable of space travel. It also had laser defense weapons and at times was altered for time travel to the past or future.[17]
The second incarnation of the Legion of Doom had a Domed Retreat at Hidden Island.[18] When Darkseid, DeSaad and Kalibak joined Lex Luthor and Brainiac, they used a Domed Fortress. Although Luthor and Brainiac took part in this team-up adventure, it's unknown if they considered themselves the Legion of Doom or not, so calling the Domed Fortress one of their headquarters might not be entirely accurate.[19] A similar question might be raised about the Supervillain's Lair that was used by Darkseid, Joker, Lex Luthor, Kalibak and DeSaad.[20]
- The Legion of Doom first appeared on the Super Friends TV series, debuting in the episode Wanted: The Superfriends written by Jeffrey Scott.
- The Legion of Doom was a new creation by Hanna-Barbera for the Challenge of the SuperFriends.[?]
- The original name was the "League of Evil" and was to be led by Captain Marvel's nemesis Doctor Sivana. However, Filmation was producing the Shazam! TV series (1974 to 1976) and The New Adventures of Batman (1977) which prevented the use of characters such as Mister Atom, King Kull, Beautia Sivana, Joker, Penguin, Mr. Freeze, and Catwoman. Early conceptual art drawn by Alex Toth also included Heat Wave, Poison Ivy, and Abra Kadabra.[21]
- Prior to the first televised appearance of the Legion of Doom, a group called the Super Foes appeared in the first issue of the SuperFriends Comic Book in November 1976. Its membership featured Toyman, Penguin, Poison Ivy, Cheetah, Human Flying Fish, and their protégés Toyboy, Chick, Honeysuckle, Kitten and Sardine, respectively, in keeping with the theme of trainees, Wendy and Marvin and then Zan and Jayna.
- The episode "Superfriends: Rest in Peace" makes a reference to a former unseen member of the Legion, the only time such a reference has been made. This was Doctor Natas (Satan spelled backwards).
- The opening sequence for Challenge of the Super Friends states that the Legion's members had "banded together from remote galaxies". Brainiac (from Colu), and Sinestro (from Korugar) are extraterrestrials. The remaining eleven are native to Earth.
Season 3 (1978):[]
- Wanted: The Superfriends
- Invasion of the Fearians
- The World's Deadliest Game
- The Time Trap
- Trial of the Superfriends
- Monolith of Evil
- The Giants of Doom
- Secret Origins of the Superfriends
- Revenge on Gorilla City
- Swamp of the Living Dead
- Conquerors of the Future
- The Final Challenge
- Fairy Tale of Doom
- Doomsday
- Superfriends: Rest in Peace
- History of Doom
The Legion also appeared in a few Super Friends shorts[]
- 'The Revenge of Doom' (1983 Short): All 13 Legion of Doon members appear, but only Lex Luthor, Sinestro and Solomon Grundy speak.
- 'Two Gleeks Are Deadlier Than One' (1983 Short): Though only Giganta and Grodd appear, the Legion is mentioned.
- 'The Krypton Syndrome' (1983 Short): After Superman saves Krypton in the past, he returns to an alternate present. Robin mentions that the Super Friends were defeated by the Legion of Doom.
Members of the team have solo appearances in later episodes[]
Lex Luthor appears in:
- 'Lex Luthor Strikes Back', The World's Greatest Super Friends (1979)
- 'The Case of the Shrinking Superfriends', Super Friends: The Legendary Super Powers Show (1984)
- 'No Honor Among Thieves', Super Friends: The Legendary Super Powers Show (1984)
- 'The Mask of Mystery', Super Friends: The Legendary Super Powers Show (1984)
- 'The Seeds of Doom', The Super Powers Team: Galactic Guardians (1985)
Brainiac appears in:
- 'Superclones', 1980 Short
- 'The Wrath of Brainiac', Super Friends: The Legendary Super Powers Show (1984)
- NOTE: Brainiac takes up a more robotic form from this appearance to Brainchild matching his current comic counterpart at the time.
- 'The Village of Lost Souls', Super Friends: The Legendary Super Powers Show (1985)
- 'Brainchild', The Super Powers Team: Galactic Guardians (1985)
Bizarro appears in:
The Riddler appears in:
The Scarecrow appears in:
- 'The Fear', The Super Powers Team: Galactic Guardians (1985) - introducing his real name, Jonathan Crane
External Links[]
- Legion of Doom at Wikipedia
- Legion of Doom at the DCAU Wiki
Appearances in Other Media[]
- ↑ The Legion of Doom was originally unique to the Superfriends Universe, but they were later introduced into the continuity of New Earth and other realities that were depicted in the comic books.
- ↑ Their origin is depicted in the third season episode of the SuperFriends TV Show, entitled the History of Doom (December 23, 1978).
- ↑ As revealed in the Season 3b episode: History of Doom (December 23, 1978).
- ↑ Season 7, episode: 4a - Revenge of Doom (October 1, 1983).
- ↑ 5.0 5.1 Super Friends (TV Series) Episode: Wanted: The Superfriends
- ↑ Super Friends (TV Series) Episode: The World's Deadliest Game
- ↑ Super Friends (TV Series) Episode: The Time Trap
- ↑ Super Friends (TV Series) Episode: Secret Origins of the Super Friends
- ↑ Super Friends (TV Series) Episode: The Final Challenge
- ↑ Super Friends (TV Series) Episode: Trial of the Super Friends
- ↑ Super Friends (TV Series) Episode: Trial of the Super Friends
- ↑ Super Friends (TV Series) Episode: Monolith of Evil
- ↑ Super Friends (TV Series) Episode: Revenge of Doom
- ↑ Super Friends (TV Series) Episode: Super Friends: Rest in Peace
- ↑ As seen in the comic story: Blink of an Eye, Chapter Four (June 16, 2021).
- ↑ As seen in the comic story: Blink of an Eye, Chapter Four (June 16, 2021).
- ↑ As seen in multiple episodes of the Challenge of the SuperFriends.
- ↑ As seen in The Challenge.
- ↑ As seen in the opening theme for Super Friends: The Legendary Super Powers Show (September 8, 1984).
- ↑ As seen in the Superfriends Series 9 Opening Theme (September 7, 1985).
- ↑ Background information from an interview by Marc Tyler Nobleman with animator, Darrell McNeil. The blog article is entitled, Super ‘70s and ‘80s: "Super Friends" – Darrell McNeil, animator. This blog article is from a larger series entitled, “Super Friends” — Introduction .