SuperFriends Wiki
Jaboo's Species

Jaboo's Species[1]

Jaboo's Species was a species that was presumably native to the Glob Galaxy.

Jaboo of the Galactic Gangsters; was a member of this race.[2]


Little is known about the physiology of Jaboo's Species; but they were purple in color.

They were a tripodal life form, having three root-like legs.

They even had antennae on their head that somewhat looked like tree branches, and their hands resembled tree branches as well, with a total of four fingers, two on both hands.

They were also able to project lasers from their eyes.[3]


The name and location of their homeworld is unknown, although it was most likely somewhere in or near the Glob Galaxy.[4]



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  1. As seen in the Superfriends season five episode One Small Step for Mars (October 4, 1980).
  2. As seen in the Superfriends season five episode One Small Step for Mars (October 4, 1980).
  3. As seen in the Superfriends season five episode One Small Step for Mars (October 4, 1980).
  4. This is based on the fact that when the Galactic Gangsters stole a spaceship to leave Earth, their intention was to head back to the Glob Galaxy. This implies they had been there before, and to a lesser extent, it implies that is the galaxy that they called home. But this is nothing more than conjecture.