The Hall of Doom was the Legion of Doom's domed mobile headquarters.
It was usually stationed in a crocodile infested swamp outside of Gotham City.
It was capable of:
- traveling through space
- flying
- time-travel
- being submerged under water
- firing offensive and defensive weapons
Earth 1956[]

The Hall of Doom was constructed sometime after the Legion of Doom first banded together, although the planning that went into the construction of the Hall of Doom was actually discussed during the team's first meeting. It was Sinestro who suggested that they would need to construct such as a headquarters. He told them they'd have to make it be an "impenetrable fortress, equipped with the most deadly devices in the universe." Although there was initially a debate as to where their HQ should be stationed, it was ultimately decided to be in a swamp.
Before all of this could come to be however, the Hall of Doom obviously had to be constructed. It was constructed in what appeared to be an abandoned hangar not too far from the swamp that they chose to park it in. It was a dome-shaped spaceship, that also functioned as a submarine and time machine. In many ways, the ship resembled the head of Darth Vader from Star Wars, or his helmet anyway. Once the Hall of Doom was ready to take flight, doors on the roof of the hangar were opened up, and rockets propelled the craft upward, and off toward the swamp it headed, finally setting itself down into the water, where it lowered itself down, landing at the bottom of the swamp.[2]
- ↑ As seen in the Superfriends season three episode: History of Doom (December 23, 1978).
- ↑ As seen in the Superfriends season three episode: History of Doom (December 23, 1978).