All locations pertaining to the SuperFriends Universe, and other related universes. (Such as the Universe of Evil and Earth-2A, etc.)
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All items (2015)
- Abaco Islands
- Abandoned lighthouse
- Abandoned wharf
- Abandoned windmill
- Abu Dhabi
- Ace o' Clubs
- Acklins Island
- Acme Oil Company
- Acmeburg
- Aconcagua
- Afghanistan
- Africa
- African jungle
- Afro-Eurasia
- Agoro's stronghold
- Agra
- Air Force base
- Ajax Junkyard & Dump
- Akron
- Al's Place
- Alabama
- Alamance Memorial Hospital
- Alaska
- Alberta
- Alcatraz Island
- Alcatraz Prison
- Algeria
- Algiers
- Aliana's Homeworld
- Aliana's Planet
- Alice Springs
- Allen residence
- Alpha Centauri
- Alpha Lyrae
- Alps
- Alstair
- Altair
- Altair IV
- Altair System
- Amazon Rainforest
- Amazon River
- Ambro Freight
- American Museum
- American River
- American South
- Americas
- Amesbury
- Amnesty Bay
- Amsterdam
- Amusement Mile
- Amusement Pier
- Anaheim
- Ancient Astronaut Homeworld
- Andes
- Andromeda
- Andromeda Galaxy
- Andros Island
- Angel Stadium
- Angor
- Animal Compound
- Antarctic Continent of Krypton
- Antarctica
- Antares-3
- Anthorann
- Aoran
- Apache Ceremonial Grounds
- Aphrodite's Temple
- Apokolips
- Aquaman's Aqua Lab
- Aquaman's Hidden Sea Cave
- Aquanautis
- Arabian Peninsula
- Arbora
- Arc de Triomphe
- Arcane's plantation
- Archie Goodwin International Airport
- Arctic Circle
- Arctic Continent of Krypton
- Arctic Ocean
- Arctic shack
- Arcto
- Argentina
- Argo City
- Argyre Planitia
- Arizona
- Arkansas
- Arkham Asylum
- Arlington, Virginia
- Armagetto
- Arrowcave
- Asgard
- Asia
- Asian Mainland Space Base
- Asteroid belt
- Asteroid Planet
- Astro Chemical Research Plant
- Astrodome
- Atlanta, Georgia
- Atlantic Ocean
- Atlantis
- Atomic Town
- Atone
- Austin
- Australia
- Austria
- Austrian Alps
- Avalon
- Ayers Rock
- Bailysville
- Bakerline
- Balaklava
- Baltimore
- Balunia
- Bamboo Gardens
- Bangalla
- Bangkok
- Bank of England
- Barber shop
- Barcelona
- Basuto Land
- Bat-Cave
- Bat-Multicraft
- Batman's Trophy Room
- Baton Rouge
- Bedford, Massachusetts
- Bedrock
- Beijing
- Bellatrix system
- Belle Reve
- Benares
- Bering Sea
- Berlin
- Bermuda
- Bermuda Rectangle
- Bermuda Triangle
- Beta Centauri
- Beta Centauri IV
- Beta Sun
- Beta system
- Betelgeuse
- Bethlehem
- Beverly Hills
- Bhutan
- Bialya
- Big Ben
- Big Cypress Swamp
- Big Shott's Toy World
- Bijou
- Billiards Snooker
- Billie Wave Marina
- Birmingham, England
- Bismoll
- Bizarro Moon
- Bizarro Mount Rushmore
- Bizarro Secret Lair
- Bizarro Sun
- Bizarro system
- Bizarro World
- Black Forest
- Black Hawk
- Black Hills
- Black hole (The Krypton Syndrome)
- Black Mountain
- Blood Island
- Blor
- Blue Nebula
- Blue Valley
- Boat Lake
- Boat Lake Park
- Boat Sales/Sea Food
- Bogatago
- Bolovax Vik
- Bolívar, Venezuela
- Bombay