A complete list of characters from the SuperFriends Universe:
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- A.W.O.L.
- Abaddon
- Abigail Arcane
- Abin Sur
- Abnegazar
- Abra Kadabra
- Abraham Lincoln
- Abraxis
- Access
- Ace of Hearts
- Ace the Android
- Ace the Bat-Hound
- Achilles
- Adam
- Adam Cray
- Adam Orion
- Adam Strange
- Adeline Kane
- Adolf Hitler
- Adrian Sterling
- Agatha Prentiss Caraway
- Agent Liberty
- Agent Pollard
- Agni
- Agoro
- Air Force Colonel
- Air Force General
- Air Force Lieutenant
- Air traffic control man
- Airport employee
- Ak-Var
- Aku
- Al Capone
- Al Desmond
- Al Pratt
- Al Tennyson
- Aladdin
- Albert Einstein
- Albert Michaels
- Albert Rothstein
- Alex LeWitt
- Alex Ryder
- Alex Summers
- Alexander Luthor Jr. (Earth-Three)
- Alexandrina Victoria
- Alexis Colby
- Alfred Pennyworth
- Alfred R. Ley
- Ali Baba
- Aliana
- Alice
- Alice (Alice in Wonder Land)
- Alice Cooper
- Alice White
- Alice's friend
- Alien monster (Watchmen)
- All Might
- Allura
- Alva Xar
- Alvin Desmond
- Amanda Hutchinson
- Amanda Hutchinson's fiancé
- Amanda Waller
- Amazing Grace
- Amazing Man
- Amazo
- Ambush Bug
- American Museum Security chief
- Amos Fortune
- Amos Monroe
- Amy Zahn
- Anais Watterson
- Anastasio Corvo
- Andre Le Blanc
- Andrew Gentle
- Andrew Zagarian
- Android (The Androids)
- Angela
- Angelhawk
- Angler
- Animal Man
- Animal Trainer
- Ankhesenamun
- Anomie Zitar
- Ansula
- Antaeus
- Anthony Wayne
- Anti-Matter Monster
- Anti-Monitor
- Anton Arcane
- Antonio Corsetti
- Antony Topeka
- Anubis
- Apache Chief
- Aphrodite
- Apostle Matthew
- Apostle Paul
- Appa Ali Apsa
- Apros
- Aqualad
- Aquaman
- Aquaman (Brain Creature)
- Aquaman (Evil)
- Aquanautis Man
- Aquawoman
- Jon Arbuckle
- Archie Andrews
- Arctic Monster
- Ardora Luthor
- Argan
- Arin
- Arisia
- Aristides Demetrios
- Armand Lydecker
- Armored truck guard 1
- Armored Truck Guard 1 (The Baffles Puzzle)
- Armored truck guard 2
- Armored Truck Guard 2 (The Baffles Puzzle)
- Armored Truck Guard 3 (The Baffles Puzzle)
- Army Colonel at the Venus probe base
- Army Soldier at the Venus probe base
- Arnie, Armored Truck Robber (The Baffles Puzzle)
- Arnold Schwarzenegger
- Arslycan captain
- Art Byron
- Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt
- Arthur Conan Doyle
- Arthur Curry, Jr.
- Arthur Reeves
- Arthur Seven
- Astraea
- Astronaut 1
- Astronaut 2
- Astronaut Ellis
- Astronomer
- Athena
- Atlanta
- Atlas
- Atom
- Atom Ant
- Atrocitus
- Attica
- Aunt Minerva
- Auron
- Avery Sunderland
- Ayla Ranzz
- Azel
- Azel's Dad
- Azel's Mother
- Aztar
- Babe Ruth
- Baby Plas
- Badb
- Baldr
- Baleen Whale
- Bane
- Bank of England Director
- Bank of England director
- Bank Of England director
- Bank of London director
- Bank Of London Director
- Baphomet
- Bar Torr
- Barack Obama
- Barbara Gordon (Batgirl)
- Barbara Minerva
- Barney Bonner
- Barney Rubble
- Baron Blitzkrieg
- Baron Sunday
- Baron von Münchausen
- Bart Bruce
- Bat Lash
- Batman (Bizarro)
- Batman (Brain Creature)
- Batman (Evil)
- Batman (monster)