SuperFriends Wiki

The surface of Asgard.[1]

Asgard was a world located in a pocket dimension.

It was the homeworld of the Asgardians and it's capital city was the City of Asgard.


Earth 1956[]

In 1985, during a conflict between the Space Sentinels and Loki; Hercules and Mercury found themselves stranded on Asgard, with no one to help them to get back to Earth. They tried getting help from Baldr, the city controller of the City of Asgard, but he unfortunately was unable to help them, as Loki had the only means of transportation to get back to Earth.

Luckily, when Loki returned to Asgard, the Space Sentinels were able to fight him and defeat him, and return back to Earth with the black cube.[2]


  1. As seen in the Space Sentinels episode: Loki (November 12, 1977).
  2. As seen in the Space Sentinels episode: Loki (November 12, 1977).

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