SuperFriends Wiki

Animals escaping from the Zoo[1]

In biology, the word animal referred to any multi-cellular eukaryotic organism. By this definition, the human race were likewise animals.

In general speech however, an animal described any number of species that were usually less intelligent than humans and other sentient lifeforms. There were a few notable exceptions, for example, Super-Apes possessed super intelligence, and had the ability to communicate verbally as well as telepathically. Tawky Tawny was another rare case, he was a tiger that could talk, because he was apparently mutated somehow and he was transformed into an anthropomorphic talking tiger. Animals that had such special abilities were typically called Super Animals.

There were countless species of animals native to Earth and other planets. Many were used for food or as pets, or could be seen in the wild or in Zoological parks.



Although adult humans were affected by Doctor Hiram Gulliver's Sonic Microwave Reducer, other animals were not, due to their metabolism.[2]

List of animals[]

