SuperFriends Wiki
Aliana's Planet

The surface of Aliana's Planet.[1]

Aliana's Planet was a world that circled a yellow sun, located in the Beta system.[2]



Due to her homeworld getting destroyed by a terrible chain reaction, Princess Aliana was forced to take a large spacecraft to this planet, to make it their new homeworld, as they intended to colonize it.

However, they ran into trouble, when they're food supplies were beginning to run out, which could have led to a great famine. But Aliana had the entire population of her people converted into digital energy, which allowed them to be contained in a single microchip that she wore on her necklace.

At some point, her spacecraft is bombarded by asteroids, which cripples her starship, making it impossible for it to fly any further, and setting it adrift within the Meridian asteroid belt, which was located in the Meridian star system.

Her ship was constantly scavenged by pirates, but she scared them away with holograms, one day the Super Powers Team members Superman, Firestorm and Cyborg come aboard seeking refuge from Darkseid. At first she thinks they are pirates but she quickly learns otherwise. Darkseid then comes aboard the ship and steals her necklace with the intention of enslaving her entire species, save her, whom he left behind to perish after attempting to blow up the ship.

Superman was unable to rescue them, because Meridian was an orange sun, and his super powers were only half what they normally were. Firestorm uses his nuclear powers to change an asteroid into a miniature yellow sun, which gave him the strength he needed to take off and stop the energy weapon that was fired from Darkseid's Personal Space-Cruiser.

He then retrieves the necklace and returns to the ship, and he uses his powers to push the whole ship to the Beta system, and land it safely on Aliana's Planet. Afterward, her people are restored to their natural Humanoid forms, and Aliana thanks the Super Powers Team and gives Superman the necklace as a token of appreciation. Superman, Cyborg and Firestorm then head home for Earth, leaving Aliana's Planet behind.[3]


Super Friends (TV Series)


  1. As seen in the Superfriends season nine episode The Ghost Ship (September 14, 1985).
  2. As seen in the Superfriends season nine episode The Ghost Ship (September 14, 1985).
  3. As seen in the Superfriends season nine episode The Ghost Ship (September 14, 1985).