SuperFriends Wiki
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Super Powers

The title or other information in this article is taken from the Super Powers franchise that spun off from the Super Friends franchise, beginning with the Super Powers Collection, and continuing in a variety of books, comics, toys and games, particularly the DC Heroes RPG.

(This template will categorize articles that include it into the "Super Powers" category.)

Alamance Memorial Hospital

Alamance Memorial Hospital[1]

Alamance Memorial Hospital was a hospital located in North Carolina.

Doctor Eleanor Poole was a member of the medical staff there.


New Earth[]

This section is not yet written.


Super Friends books

  • Doom Patrol # 19 (February 1989)[2]
    • Crawling From the Wreckage (December 1988)


  1. As seen in the comic story: Crawling From the Wreckage (December 1988).
  2. This comic book tied into an earlier storyline from Justice League International # 23, which had it's cover artwork used for the cover of Super Powers # 24.